
The Analytical Psychology Club of San Francisco (APC-SF) is an independent Jungian organization with many informal and personal links to the C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco.

Founded January 9, 1940 under the inspiration of Jane Wheelwright, Dr. Joseph Wheelwright, Dr. Lucile Elliott and Dr. Elizabeth Whitney, APC-SF continues to:

  • Promote the study and discussion of analytical psychology and related subjects

  • Provide opportunity for fellowship among those who have experienced Jungian analysis, Depth Psychology or have an interest in Jung.

  • To promote the study of consciousness, past, present and future

  • To share the alchemical process of working with dreams and images.

  • To learn awareness and relationship to archetypes.

Membership Qualifications

  • Personal commitment to the integrating processes of depth psychology as described by C. G. Jung.

  • Maturity, desire and capacity to pursue cooperatively the aims of APC-SF.

Membership Benefits

  • Free attendance at monthly meetings with interactive presentations by Jungian analysts or member-led discussions of Jungian topics

  • Access to APC-SF library benefits

Membership Fees

  • Initiation: $30

  • Annual membership: $100

Guest Policy & Fees

  • Sliding scale: $10 for attendance at monthly meetings with interactive presentations by Jungian analysts or member-led discussions of Jungian topics

Please note that members may invite guests to any monthly meetings.

For more information: Contact Elaine Mannon, Outreach Secretary
Tel: (415) 509-1993
